A Great Saint, a Great Translation

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The Douay Bible was Bishop Challoner’s most famous work: he revised the stilted language of the 1600s original to produce the beautiful and mem­orable English version beloved by gene­ra­tions of Catholics.

Challoner applied the same genius for straight­forward dignity to his transla­tion of the most famous work of Christian litera­ture outside the Bible. In Challoner’s mem­orable prose, St. Augustine of Hippo comes alive on the page, speaking to us across the centuries.

For those who already know Augustine’s Confes­sions, here is a trans­la­tion that brings new life to a familiar text. For those who are en­coun­tering Augustine for the first time, this version is the ideal intro­duction to the most thoroughly self-examined per­sonality of ancient times.

Richard Challoner was an English Catholic bishop respected by Catholics and Protestants alike for his ability to seize on what was common to both faiths. His faithful and vigorous translation of St. Augustine’s Confessions was first published in 1739.

St. Augustine’s Confessions: The Challoner Translation, at Amazon.com.