• A Catholic Bishop Who Ran a Gas Station?

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    A Catholic bishop running a gas station? Well, that was the story they told in Millbrook, New York. And it turned out to be true.

    But the gas station is hardly the most interesting thing about this fascinating character. His is a story of catacombs in Rome, a failed bomb-building business in Connecticut and a sewer system in Cuba.

  • Euripides and His Age: a Book About Everything

    Euripides and His Age
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    A book about Euripides? Yes, but it’s much more than that. Far from a dry academic study, this is one of the most riveting books you’ll ever read. With remarkable insight, Gilbert Murray traces the history of all our most important human ideas—democracy, patriotism, war, hate, forgiveness—and shows how Euripides filters them all through his towering genius. This is a book you’ll read again and again, a book you’ll quote to friends, a book you’ll keep with you for the rest of your life.
